This year the recipe of the ice-cream "Grand-Prix" is 16. Forthe first time the ice-cream of this kind appeared on sale in the far 2001. And till today it is one of the most favorite desserts for our customers. So, it you have never tried "Grand-Prix" for some reason, you should do it in the near future. What is the reason of its popularity? It is in the taste, look and, for sure, in the excellent quality.
Ice-cream "Grand-Prix" it is a crunchy sugar cone, covered inside with a thin layer of milk chocolate. Inside of the sugar cone there is a gentle ice-cream which rises up over the cone in the shape of neat waves. These all give the dessert a float-creamy look. And in addition - different fillers which complete the taste and make it perfect.
All you need to do is to choose a filler, which you like more. The chocolate ice-cream will become a real discovery for the lovers of such a tasty treat. Because, apart from the ice-cream itself and a chocolate sauce, on the bottom of the sugar cone there are pieces of chocolate!
Those people, who like fruit topping and jam more, will definitely like the ice-cream with raspberry, kiwi and mango. Each of them, apart from the fillers, contain pieces of fresh fruit!
It sounds amazing, doesn't it? Try the ice-cream "Grand-Prix" and complete the number of its lovers.